Help visualizing simple data in a line chart

I'm a novice to Kibana. I have just installed the product and I can access it from my browser. I have registered my index: sprint and I can see some of the data in the Discover tab in Kibana (4.1.1-Win).

The data that I have in ElasticSearch captures specific events with just two attributes: status and timstamp (tslice) of the event - that's all.

I would like to create a simple visualization to distinguish the Success runs from Failure runs that this data captures across the time period.

I'd like to setup a simple timeline and graphically show the Successes vs Failures over time.

Could someone please help point me in the right direction.

Here is the sample output data:

      "hits" : {
        "total" : 5,
        "max_score" : 1.0,
        "hits" : [ {
          "_index" : "sprint",
          "_type" : "sysout",
          "_id" : "AU8EcFUwErJTJM_bP4rH",
          "_score" : 1.0,
          "_source":{"message":".....","tslice":"8/01/15 18:50:59:616","status":"failure"}
        }, {
          "_index" : "sprint",
          "_type" : "sysout",
          "_id" : "AU8EcFUwErJTJM_bP4rI",
          "_score" : 1.0,
          "_source":{"message":"....t","tslice":"8/02/15 18:50:59:616","status":"success"}
        }, {
          "_index" : "sprint",
          "_type" : "sysout",
          "_id" : "AU8DyhBIErJTJM_bP4rF",
          "_score" : 1.0,
          "_source":{"message":".....","tslice":"7/30/15 18:50:59:616","status":"success"}
        }, {
          "_index" : "sprint",
          "_type" : "sysout",
          "_id" : "AU8EcFUwErJTJM_bP4rJ",
          "_score" : 1.0,
          "_source":{"message":"...t","tslice":"8/03/15 18:50:59:616","status":"success"}
        }, {
          "_index" : "sprint",
          "_type" : "sysout",
          "_id" : "AU8EcFLWErJTJM_bP4rG",
          "_score" : 1.0,
          "_source":{"message":".....","tslice":"7/31/15 18:50:59:616","status":"success"}
        } ]

One direction might be to take a Line Chart.Visualization:

I have tried creating a Line chart and Vertical Bar chart. I think Vertical Bar chart is what I need, but I can't get it to show me the graph that I'm after.

I'm including a pic of what I want it to look like:
I want it to be Hourly showing results in 24 hr intervals. I want it to show a different color based on the status (success vs failure). I want it to show three states in each 24hr period: success, failure, no data. Here is a sample of what it would look like. The green=success, the red=failure, and the empty time slot means there was no data for that hour.

Let me ask a specific question: in the Vertical Bar Chart configuration, is there a way to control the color of the line bar conditionally?!

Anybody have any insight on this, please?! I've scoured the documentation on this and there doesn't appear to be a way to condition the color of the vertical bars. How can I achieve the highlights that I need?

Is there a way to extend this widget to decorate some of the functionality that it has? Somebody, throw me a bone here...

I don't think the exact visualization you're looking for is possible. Why not just split bars by success vs failure over time?

Thanks, Tanya -

I was able to implement that visualization like you recommended. It works ok. I need to drill down to hourly display to see what I need to see, but I can get to what I need to it.

Thank you for the suggestion.