Help with query from Metricbeat index


I'm new to Elastic stack, just set up a small cluster and sending metrics with Metricbeat from a few hosts.
I'd like to create a watcher that will send an email if the disk space on a disk on a host goes below 9 GB. Then I'd like that mail to include info with hostname, diskname and how much space there was at the time the watcher was triggered.

I assume this requires a custom watcher? I started experimenting with Elasticsearch queries trying to come up with a query that would return result as distinct hostname and drive. However, this is way above my current skill level. Could anyone help out? This is what I have at the moment, but it just returns every document where the criteria is met.

GET /metricbeat-*/_search
  "query": {

    "bool": {

      "must" : {

        "match": {

          "system.filesystem.type": "fixed"

      "filter": [
        "range" : {

          "system.filesystem.available": { "lte": 9663676416 }
        "range": {
          "@timestamp": {
            "from": "now-10m", "to": "now" 

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