Kibana Alert When No Metricbeat Data - to include hostname

Hi there,

I would like to receive an alert when any of the hosts that I have Metricbeat installed on, now longer reports in data, for whatever reason (it could be stopped, server is turned off etc.).

I want to avoid having to maintain an inventory list of servers I have installed Metricbeat on.

I know I can do an elastic query to check of metricbeat returns any hits for a particular server/servers, but is there any clever way to configure a simple alert that just tells me Metricbeat has no hits from a [hostname(s)], without me having to provide the hostnames to query.

If I do need to provide the hostnames, I am having trouble in returning that hostname in a watcher payload because hits = 0.

Any direction appreciated


You can use Alerting instead of Watcher. This allows you to configure a Log Threshold rule something like this:

Just replace the field names and intervals to what fits your data. For example instead of machine.os.keyword, use hostname and for geo.src use a field in the metricbeat documents that will always be there.

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Thank you! That worked great

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