Hide filter bar in dashboard

Hi! Is there any way to hide filter bar in shared dashboard (ex:iframe)? I don't want my users to filter data and have access to see all data. Also, I am confused why there is filter bar in dashboard because we can add controller chart to let users filter data. Controller chart is more beautiful. For me, they are duplicate functions.

What I think ideally is:

  1. filter bar helps developer to filter data which they want to show for their users;
  2. Controller helps users to filter data based on the 'limited' data which was filtered by developer before;

Could anyone tell me how to hide filter bar in shared dashboard and why there is a filter bar in shared dashboard?

Hi .
Homemade solution =>
You can prevent users to modify your dashboard and see informations by using security module .
And you can set up filter inside each visualisation to hide them from dashboard point of vue .

Thanks for quick help. Does this solution work for shared dashboard(ex:iframe) and a large number of users?

For the iframe you can set up the param embedded=true in the url to prevent user to customize the dashboard . But if it is the only security , it can be fooled easily .

But document access control is configured inside Elasticsearch and not viewed by users .
Filters are cumulative not exclusive.
You cannot prevent users to click on dashboard .. If they click on anything , a filter will be applied on the dashboard .
And you can set up filter inside each visualisation to hide them from dashboard point of vue( same in Iframe) .
If you want to prevent users to see certains data. You have some work to do on your visualisation insides or in the security modules , or on your index configuration .
you cannot prevent users to set up filter ,
But you can prevent them to save the dashboard with the new filter applied .

Thanks again! I add 'embedded=true' in the url, but I can still use the filter and modify the dashboard:
'iframe src="" height="2100" width="1000" '
I set the filter for the dashboard when developing and share it by using iframe. When I open the dashboard on the website, It first only shows the filtered data in dashboard(great). But I can still change the filter by myself and see all data in dashboard(bad), not only data I filtered.
What do you mean 'If you want to prevent users to see certain data. You have some work to do on your visualisation insides or in the security modules , or on your index configuration .'? Does it mean modifying index configuration in database and configuring permitted people can have access to certain dataset?

Thanks again! I add 'embedded=true' in the url, but I can still use the filter and modify the dashboard:
'iframe src=" " height="2100" width="1000" '

It's normal . It's not a security feature . It's just a trick . You cannot hide filter pins

You have some work to do on your visualisation insides or in the security modules , or on your index configuration .'? Does it mean modifying index configuration in database and configuring permitted people can have access to certain dataset?

If your goals is to hide data from random users point of view . The best way is to use the XPACK security modules

If you cannot/dont want to use security.You can use many tricks. You can make copy of certains indexes without certains data . And make your visualization on it .
So you will have a set of visualization using full indexes and another set of visualization using truncated indexes .

You can also put filter inside each visualization separatedly like you can do in dashboard . But , in dashboard point of view , it will not appear .

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