Sorry I didn't pick on this thread earlier - it must have slipped under my radar.
Make sure you're using Elasticsearch 0.90 (see the readme) or higher - the integration uses specific features added in
0.90 and doesn't work on lower versions.
Let me know if you have any issues.
P.S. To simplify the initial deployment use a locally configured Hadoop so everything runs within the same JVM and you
don't have classpath issues. If you want to use a remote VM/cluster then make sure you add elasticsearch-hadoop jar to
you job classpath.
On 28/05/2013 4:49 AM, Hoony wrote:
Thank you for your response
Do you mean run my example like here?
public static void main(String args) throws Exception {
Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
String query = "twitter/tweet/_search?"; <======== String query = "twitter/tweet/_search?"
configuration.set("es.resource", query);
Job job = new Job(configuration);
Path out = new Path(args[0]);
It appear the same result. The 500 status was returned. And here is a more detail description about my issue.
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在 2013年5月24日星期五UTC+9上午3时56分02秒,Ivan Brusic写道:
Hello Hoony,
I noticed you posted a few times without getting any responses. Not many people, including me, use the Hadoop
plugin, so getting help might be difficult.
The one thing that sticks out from your example is that your search explicitly specifies that routing values
(routing=kimchy). Can you retry your example without it?
On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 1:12 AM, Hoony <monkey...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote:
Hi all,
This question may be too easy, but I am a new in elasticsearch. so.....
I want to use elasticsearch-hadoop plugin, but it is not working. Here is my code.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
String query = "twitter/tweet/_search?routing=kimchy";
configuration.set("es.resource", query);
Job job = new Job(configuration);
Path out = new Path(args[0]);
I just want to know how to use this plugin.............
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