How do I give edge to one type over other while querying multiple types?

I am running my query on two type say


All i want is, if at all there are events in the result then they should come at top.

How to achieve this ?

My Query is this

$query = [
    "filtered" => [
        "query" => [
            "bool" => [
                "should" => [
                        'query_string' => [
                            'fields' => [
                            'defaultOperator' => 'or',
                            'query' => $paramsObj->q
                        'query_string' => [
                            'auto_generate_phrase_queries' => 0,
                            'enable_position_increments' => false,
                            'fields' => [
                            'query' => $paramsObj->q,
                            'use_dis_max' => false,
                            'boost' => 2
                        'fuzzy' => [
                            'Title.title' => [
                                'value' => $paramsObj->q,
                                'boost' => 1,
                                'min_similarity' => 0.5,
                                'max_expansions' => 20,
                                'prefix_length' => 0

        "filter" => $filters