How I can fix {"statusCode":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"An internal server error occurred"} in kibana

Hi All,
How i can fix the
{"statusCode":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"An internal server error occurred"}
error in kibana.

I was looking information about this error and I found its could be for distmacht between elasticsearch and kibana versions.

But I didnt install any new version. The system was working fine, and 2 days ago the server crahs for lack of RAM, and then all the services start OK, but kibana, that even when the port 5601 is listenin, when I open the browser
http://localhost:5601 , I get the error:
{"statusCode":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"An internal server error occurred"}
How I could fix it?

Please advise. Is URGENT!

Yolanda Prieto

Are you seeing any errors in your kibana logs?

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