How to access ES from hosts other than localhost?

I just have one node where I am running ES and Kibana. In addition to the localhost, I would like to access ES from another host (remote_ip1) as well. But, I would like to avoid setting the to When I put just the 2 hosts I would like to access ES from, it is not starting.

Here's my current elasticsearch.yml: /var/lib/elasticsearch
 path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch [localhost, remote_ip1]
 discovery.seed_hosts : []
 cluster.initial_master_nodes : []
 http.port: 9200

I am getting the following error:

[2020-08-03T01:56:42,689][ERROR][o.e.b.Bootstrap          ] [localhost] Exception
org.elasticsearch.transport.BindTransportException: Failed to bind to remote_ip1:[9300-9400]

What config changes do I need to make to the elasticsearch.yml to get this working?

That is the 'listening' IP, either localhost or the machines IP or (which is similar) - this is basic TCP/IP config, so for ANY other host to reach this one, set it to either the machine's IP or - the effect is the same.

This is NOT the IP of the client, or other machine, etc. but of what IP the Elasticsearch node listens on - in the TCP world, this is an interface, either localhost/, an interface IP, or which is all interfaces (which in practice this is usually both localhost and the machine's IP).

So set to and you're done; if you want to limit access to the one other host, use cloud security groups or iptables.

Ah I see. I was under the impression that this was the client’s IP. Thanks for clearing that up.

Yeah, I’m already using UFW to manage the firewall.

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