How to build a cluster

I went to build a cluster (8 nodes for elasticsearch 2 nodes for kibana) with SAML integration
so i think the first step is install elasticsearch and kibana
second step is configure elasticsearch to make them as a cluster and run the cluster
third step is run elasticsearch-setup-passwords to sets the passwords for the built-in elastic , kibana , logstash_system , and beats_system users.

forth step is reconfigure elasticsearch and kibana to enable tls and SAML,

so in the whole process we need configure elastic twice, is there any way to make it easy? is there anyway we can just configure it once?

You don't need to separate steps 2 and 4, you can do all of that in a single configuration step.

Personally, I recommend doing it in small steps and testing each step as you go, rather than creating 1 big config file and then have to try and debug problems that could have been caused by any one of your configuration settings.

But if you know what configuration options you want, then you can do it all in a single setup step.

if i don't do step 2 first ,how can i import licence to the cluster.
and i think if the cluster don't have a licence , we will can enable xpack, and tls for SAML?

You can start the cluster with a trial license.

HI Timv
you said we don't need separate step 2 and step 4,
when shell we elasticsearch-setup-passwords to sets the passwords for the built-in elastic , kibana , logstash_system , and beats_system users.
in my understanding we can only set the password for built-in user if the cluster is running.

The password setup was step 3
Steps 2 & 4 were both changes to your configuration file.

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