How to change the number of replicas of the indices .internal.preview.alerts-security.alerts-default

Hey :slight_smile:
I have a kibana and elasticsearch installed on the same server, meaning only one data node, without the need for any replicas.

I successfully changed all the index templates to:
"index.number_of_replicas": "0"

But i still gettind a yellow health status on the Cluster Overview because of missing replicas.

And the only indices that trying to make replicas are:

And only when im changing the indices settings itself, the Health Status turning to green again, antil the next rollover of the indices.

So, my question is how to change the number of replicas of the indices .internal.preview.alerts-security.alerts-default?

Thanks for the help

You can change the template, but system templates will be overwritten on upgrades.

I wouldn't be super worried about this though to be honest.

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