How to configure multiple slack accounts in watcher

I am trying to configure multiple watchers that, each one, will send a notification to a specific slack channels. I tried to configure adding to the keystore "xpack.notification.slack.account.team1.monitoring.secure_url" and "xpack.notification.slack.account.team2.monitoring.secure_url" but when i try to simulate a watcher i get an exception: "no account name for team1". Can someone give me a help on this? Or a hint on how to
configure multiple channels in the slack notification. Thank you in advance.

have you configured that setting on all nodes and either restarted them or reloaded the secure settings?

I Just added both webhooks to the keystore in the security section of deployments menu in elastic cloud.
I first tested with one slack channel and added "xpack.notification.slack.account.monitoring.secure_url" and it worked fine for one channel, but when i tried to add this other configuration mentioned above, i get this exception.

ps: i don't know if this could affect, but i'm not using "team1" in the configuration of the secure_url, i replace this with the name of the channel, i.e, "xpack.notification.slack.account.nameofchannel.monitoring.secure_url".

I tried to reload the secure setting in the API console, but i had no success.

Any help?

do you have any configuration for your slack accounts in the elasticsearch.yml file?

Here is a detailed post on how to configure multiple spack accounts in watcher-

Hope this helps.

@spinscale i was having a problem with my cluster, and i already contacted the support, thank you for your time.

@Abhimanyu_Garg thank you for the article, it's very good.

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