Hi we have a daily report we publish in which we would like to provide a dynamic link (URL) to kibana with a dynamic search term string query say "Error Fetching, Shipping Details" and in a particular dynamic time frame say "from:10/18/2019 to 10/17/2019" on a particular search index "app-metric-*"
followed this answer Generating a url that contains a query
the answer is not an exact match to our requirement as the answer has key: params: style where as mine is a simple string query and time in the answer is now -24h where as we would like it to be particular dates with time say from 10/18/2019:6:00 to 10/17/209:6:0:0
and tried to create a url like this,
http://localhost:5601/app/kibana#/discover?_g=(refreshInterval:(pause:!t,value:0),time:(from:now-24h,mode:quick,to:now))&_a=(columns:!(_source),filters:!(('$state':(store:appState),meta:(alias:!n,disabled:!f,index:app-metric-events-,negate:!f,params:(query:"Error Fetching Shipping ,Details",type:phrase),type:phrase,value:"Error Fetching, Shipping Details"),query:(match:(query:"Error Fetching, Shipping Details",type:phrase)))),index:app-metric-events-,interval:auto,query:(language:lucene,query:''),sort:!(timestamp,desc))
when i paste in the browser it is redirecting to kibana site (No search term is populated, index is not populated, timeframe is not populated) but on the site we are getting "url parse exception" model but it's not specific to which part failed, we are fairly new to kibana appreciate the community help in resolving the issue please.