How to create an alert for ML jobs?

Elastic Cloud 7.4.
How to create an alert for ML jobs?
I tried to google, but the articles either do not exist or are applicable to the old version.

Hi Mikhail,

It's possible to create a watcher alert after creating an ML job in one of the job creation wizards or from the Job Management page.

Job wizards
After creating a job you will be presented with an option to start the job running in real time. This starts the job up again and allows you to select the option to create a watch which will look for anomalies above a specified threshold.

Job management
It's also possible to create this watch by starting a job from the job management page and choosing "No end time (Real-time search)".
An option will be available to create a watch after the job has been started. This will open the same watch configuration UI.

I hope this helps.


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