How to disable Kibana 5.0.0 plugins like Management , Dev Tools?

Hi Experts,

I was checking new Kibana version that is 5.0.0 . I was curious to know if I can disable plugin like Dev tools , management . So the idea is not to show these to the user or to restrict him to the dashboard plugin only .

I tried using
/bin/kibana -- dev_tools.enabled=false but it did not work for me .

Please suggest how i can achieve this .


well I found console I can disable with
console.enabled: false

What about Management or any other plugin ?


You can't disable Management at the moment using the same trick, because it is not a separate plugin in Kibana.

Hi VG, you could try checking out Disable/hide management plugin kibana 5 for some tips on tracking our progress for building this feature and for some tips on how you could implement it yourself (though this can be risky).


Thank you @cjcenizal,

Will check and give a try.
