How to display the particular field value from the json to y-axis in kibana?

I need to display the exact value of the Price field from the below json in the y-axis in timelion in kibana 4.6.4. I have tried the following query, but it is taking the max value of the field Price not the exact value. Could anyone help me in this? Thanks

I need to display the exact value of the Price field from the below json in the y-axis in timelion in kibana 4.6.4. I have tried the following query, but it is taking the max value of the field Price not the exact value. Could anyone help me in this? Thanks

My query:

(.es(index=exchange*,timefield='MachineTime',q='ExchangeName:YOBIT AND CurrencyPair:ETHBTC AND OrderSide:asks',metric='max:Price')).precision(6).label(asks)

My json: {
"ExchangeName":"YOBIT", "CurrencyPair":"LTCBTC", "MachineTime":"2017-06-17T10:46:31.811744+05:30", "OrderSide":"bids", "Price":0.01477007, "Quantity":163.57 }

Your query has metric='max:Price' so that's why you're getting the max value. But Timelion as well as all other visualizations in Kibana display aggregations (like max), and not individual document values.

So within the size of the time bucket for the aggregation there must be more than one data point and it's returning the max:Price from those documents. You might be able to see the individual prices if you can set your time range very short (I'm setting mine to just the last minute) and your interval very small (I'm setting mine to 1s), then you see I've zoomed in to the point where I only have a count of 1 (the y-axis) for any of my time buckets.

But if you potentially have multiple docs per second (after whatever filtering you apply) you wouldn't be able to get the values of the individual ones in a Kibana visualization.

Does it make sense?


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