How to get Average of 2 timestamp in Kibana metric visualization

Hi Team,

I want to create a metric visualization with average difference showing for entire records. and every record is having multiple timestamp. So, we want to show average difference between start_time and acknoeledge_time.

Can anyone please suggest how should we go about it. i have already mapped all the fields with date type using elastic index mapping

for example: lets say below is 1 record. similarly we have multiple records in index. but don't want linechart or barchart. but a single metric text showing average difference between two timestamp across all records in index.

  acknowledged time:  2022-12-09 08:14:18.248000
  closed time:  2022-12-09 08:14:45.999000
  created_at time:  2022-12-08 18:55:51.566000      
  end_timestamp time:  2022-12-08 18:16:07
  modified_at time:  2022-12-09 08:14:09.715000     
  start_timestamp time:  2022-12-08 18:16:07        
  modified_at_auto time:  2022-12-08 18:55:51.662000

below is the raw record


Hi @yash_mangla. As your question is regarding how to create a specific type of visualization, you may want to remove the elastic-stack-security tag and add the visualisation tag instead. This may give it better visibility.

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