How to get size of each event/record in logstash /elasticsearch

How to get size of each event/record in logstash /elasticsearch. Based on that size i am trying to calculate size of each application in that index.

Hi @priti

There is no really great way to do that today... but what I do is in The Kibana -> Dev Tools run

GET /_cat/indices/my-index?v&
health status index                                                                 uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted  store.size
green  open   my-index                                                              YnYLPTZQQrWSzoA3CHv6wQ   1   1   11079752            0 13106423176     6551572264

Then You can figure out the Percentage of Each App In the Index by Using Lens with a Pie Chart

Then Just take Those Percentages multiply the Primary or Total Storage which ever you like...

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