How to get the derived metric based on the calculated metric

I've already get both metrics max(dt) and min(dt) of each transID in the kibana. How shoud I get the duration of each transId by the calculation max(dt) - min(dt) ? I did it by the bucket script in the dev tools as the bottom scripts . But i donot know how to implent it in the kibana. Is there any metric expresson available?

POST /jun/_search
"size": "0",
"_source": {
"includes": [
"aggs": {
"eachtransID": {
"terms": {
"field": "transID"
"aggs": {
"min_ct": {
"min": {
"field": "dt"
"max_ct": {
"max": {
"field": "dt"
"date_diff": {
"bucket_script": {
"buckets_path": {
"min_ct1": "min_ct",
"max_ct1": "max_ct"
"script": "params.min_ct1 - params.max_ct1"
"avg_ct": {
"avg_bucket": {
"buckets_path": "eachtransID>date_diff"

metric expression is onlh available in time series visual builder.
you could also use timelion to do something like that,
however both with only work with time series data

ok , thanks a lot . I'll try it later

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