How to hide create visualizations button in Kibana dashboard using iframe

I need to hide the create visualizations button to specific users, Users should have edit access to dashboards without access to create visualization button. Please let know

Hi @tejashree,

Have you tried using the show-top-menu=false option in your embedding URL in the iframe as covered in this blog? That will hide the edit button.

Hope that helps!

I have to hide these buttons from the users

Hi @tejashree,

Do you want to make the dashboards read-only when accessed via the iframe? You could create a read-only user and enable anonymous authentication as covered in the same blog. By using the read-only user as a defined provider using the auth_provider_hint option it would show the dashboard in read-only mode when accessed in this way.

Actually we have to create a space where users an select the visualizations and create their own dashboards, without providing the access to create any visualizations and block access to indicies