How to insert the labels inside the pie chart

I want to organize these values inside the colored parts of the chart. I know that by Label radius you can set the distance from the center but I wanted a way to organize them so they fit inside the slices...Is it avaiable?
Captura de Tela (361)

Update in the question above:

Looked arround and found some information that could help in this take, if theres a way to rotate only the texts arround the pie it would suffice for that situation. Something like the image bellow but applying just for the text labels.

Captura de Tela (369)

I don't know if there is any sort of documentation to check more about the CSS selectors. In case there is anything of it, please let me know.

So, you want your labels inside the slices, and rotated in such a way that they follow the orientation of the slice they're in ?

Yes, just like you said.

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