How to log additional data for a given process such as "Command Line"?

I am using the latest topbeat 2.1.1 with elasticsearch 2.1.1 on Windows.
My goal is to see CPU usage and Memory usage for several w3wp.exe processes (IIS App Pools) on the machine.
The default topbeat.yml is logging the and which is great however I would like to add "Command line" which is a column in Windows Task manager so I can see the exact command showing the app pool name and other details. Here is a screenshot below

How can I add this "Command line" column to topbeat?

This feature has been implemented, but hasn't been released yet. The username that the process is being run as is also being implemented.

Thanks for the quick response. :grinning:
Roughly when do you expect this feature to be released?

I was able to get the nightly 1.2.0 working from here:

I'm still wondering when this will be released :ship: