How to Log Elasticsearch's Own Logs?

Is there a best way to log the logs produced by Elasticsearch itself.
I want to monitor All of the logs of all of the elasticsearch nodes in my cluster.
Is there a guide for this that uses logstash/beats/ or something to send the logs elasticsearch itself creates to another small cluster so i can manage all of the logs elasticsearch produces from one place?

p.s. Trying to find information about doing this is hard because running a google search for this exact information, due to elasticsearch being mainly used for logging everything else, makes it hard to query.

yes, it is really hard to know of what the elstic search is logging. i am also looking for similar kind but there are no details in google

Keep an eye on filebeat, there will be a module coming for it very soon :slight_smile:

@warkolm where to check the search information in kibana logs

I'm not sure what you are asking sorry.

i am looking on how to troubleshoot kibana/ES when it gets struck due to user searches

Elasticsearch doesn't log that, you may need to look at enabling slowlog at a level of 0ms so it logs everything and then look at that.

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