Using ElasticSearch to capture Syslogs (windows)

Hello, I am relatively new to using ElasticSearch and the other products available here on Elastic. As mentioned above I am running a windows server and have installed Kibana, ElasticSearch, Beats, and (unsuccessfully) logstash. I have another server that is sending the syslogs being generated to the server where ElasticSearch is held however I am unable to view them in a log file. The syslogs are being generated from a CISCO box and the only options given for export are destination and port both of which are verified to be working through wireshark. The issue I am having is that I cannot find a stored location for these logs and am not experienced enough to configure ElasticSearch or any of it's partner app's to capture and store these logs. Once stored I believe I can fumble through Kibana and any other program to set up what I need.

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