How to make nested JSON a string with escaped quotes?

I am making a Watch that outputs something like this:

"nonIdentifyingInfo": {"loginAttempts": 2},
"identifyingInfo":{"domain": "domain_01", "userName": "john_doe"},
"baseAlertId": 1

However, I need the nested JSON to be a string with escaped quotes like this:

"nonIdentifyingInfo": "{"loginAttempts": "1"}",
"identifyingInfo": "{"userName": "john_doe", "domain": "domain_01"}",
"baseAlertId": 1

My current workaround is a painless script that makes the above output, but I was looking for a more dynamic solution. Any ideas?

I'm not sure if I forgot to escape the inner quotes or they were just automatically removed, but the inner quotes are supposed to be escaped.

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