I am upgrading to a more efficient machine to run my ES on but I do not want to lose the data I have already stashed in my ES. Here is what I have tried so far:
1.) Node Exporter
In a command shell: node exporter.js -a myCurrentIPAddess -p 9201 -b myDestinationIPAddress -p 9200
(Note: my current ES is directed to 9201, however, I also tried this command after redirecting it to 9200)
Here was the output:
2.) Copying and Pasting ES
I tried to zip my current ES and copy and paste it in the new machine. In the elasticsearch.yml file I then changed the max number of nodes to 2. I was able to get both instances up and running but when I looked at the new ES on the new machine the data from my old ES was not there.
3.) Reindexing with Logstash:
here is my config file
here was the output
My goal is to create a new instance of ES on a new machine but send data from my current ES instance to it so it can be accessed in Kibana.
I started fresh and made a new zip of my current ES and put it on my new machine. I changed the cluster name and made sure the host and port are correct, however, I got a seemingly endless error. I've pasted a portion of it below in hopes that it will be of some use.
[2017-04-04T08:54:11,302][WARN ][o.e.c.a.s.ShardStateAction] [TcLoggingNode1] [l
ogstash-2017.03.28][0] unexpected failure while sending request [internal:cluste
r/shard/failure] to [{TcLoggingNode1}{Dw7BwFbvQHSVM7MlEDTm1A}{TzGxQpvkT7mctfcbVu
6JaQ}{local}{local[1]}] for shard entry [shard id [[logstash-2017.03.28][0]], al
location id [8nQKkZwIRIOADaDQX0ErKg], primary term [0], message [failed recovery
], failure [RecoveryFailedException[[logstash-2017.03.28][0]: Recovery failed on
]}]; nested: IndexShardRecoveryException[failed to recover from gateway]; nested
: EngineCreationFailureException[failed to create engine]; nested: NoSuchFileExc
MCbIW1BB7qFSg\0\translog\translog-13.tlog]; ]]
org.elasticsearch.transport.SendRequestTransportException: [TcLoggingNode1][loca
at org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService.sendRequestInternal(Tran
sportService.java:564) ~[elasticsearch-5.2.0.jar:5.2.0]
at org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService.sendRequest(TransportSer
vice.java:485) ~[elasticsearch-5.2.0.jar:5.2.0]
at org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService.sendRequest(TransportSer
vice.java:460) ~[elasticsearch-5.2.0.jar:5.2.0]
at org.elasticsearch.cluster.action.shard.ShardStateAction.sendShardActi
on(ShardStateAction.java:104) ~[elasticsearch-5.2.0.jar:5.2.0]
at org.elasticsearch.cluster.action.shard.ShardStateAction.shardFailed(S
hardStateAction.java:169) ~[elasticsearch-5.2.0.jar:5.2.0]
at org.elasticsearch.cluster.action.shard.ShardStateAction.localShardFai
led(ShardStateAction.java:163) ~[elasticsearch-5.2.0.jar:5.2.0]
at org.elasticsearch.indices.cluster.IndicesClusterStateService.sendFail
Shard(IndicesClusterStateService.java:681) ~[elasticsearch-5.2.0.jar:5.2.0]
at org.elasticsearch.indices.cluster.IndicesClusterStateService.failAndR
emoveShard(IndicesClusterStateService.java:671) ~[elasticsearch-5.2.0.jar:5.2.0]
at org.elasticsearch.indices.cluster.IndicesClusterStateService.handleRe
coveryFailure(IndicesClusterStateService.java:648) ~[elasticsearch-5.2.0.jar:5.2
at org.elasticsearch.indices.cluster.IndicesClusterStateService.access$8
00(IndicesClusterStateService.java:91) ~[elasticsearch-5.2.0.jar:5.2.0]
at org.elasticsearch.indices.cluster.IndicesClusterStateService$Recovery
Listener.onRecoveryFailure(IndicesClusterStateService.java:642) ~[elasticsearch-
at org.elasticsearch.index.shard.IndexShard.lambda$startRecovery$1(Index
Shard.java:1486) ~[elasticsearch-5.2.0.jar:5.2.0]
at org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.ThreadContext$ContextPreserv
ingRunnable.run(ThreadContext.java:527) ~[elasticsearch-5.2.0.jar:5.2.0]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) [?:
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) [?
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [?:1.8.0_111]Preformatted text
Caused by: org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportException: TransportService is c
losed stopped can't send request
at org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService.sendRequestInternal(Tran
sportService.java:548) ~[elasticsearch-5.2.0.jar:5.2.0]
... 15 more
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