How to set a new time filter field?

Hello everyone,

I'm new to ES and Kibana so my question might be stupid, but I can't find how to set the filter time by default for my index.

I've downloaded the kibana sample data eCommerce and it does have a time field :

I have plenty of "date" fields in my index but I can't seem to find how to define one as the time field that I'd want to use for the time filter. (for my other indexes)

Thanks a lot in advance.


So you need to make the sure the mapping of the field for which you want it as timefield should be set to date type:

Please check the mapping and if need be correct it in ES.


Thanks for your answer.
My dates look like this, it seems valid to me. But I can't figure out how to set it as my time filter. The only way I've been able to use time filters is by explicitly defining a time field when using Timelion.


first image you show is for index template,

when you put your data in ES first time it creates Index
then you have to create index template and you select one of the date as your time field and then you will see exactly what you have been seeing in sample data

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Reading a bit about elasticsearch, index, mapping and index template will help. Here are our docs:


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