How to start and end transaction in python aws lambda function , also how to add labels between transaction

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Hey @Pratiksha_Nagoshe -- check out the docs for our Lambda integration! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Monitoring AWS Lambda Python Functions | APM Python Agent Reference [6.x] | Elastic

@basepi thanks for sharing this but I want know how to add labels in python script

1 Like

elasticapm.label() should get you there.

Thank you @basepi

1 Like

Hi team
"log.level": "debug",
"@timestamp": "2023-02-03T13:52:08.884Z",
"log.origin": {
"": "apmproxy/apmserver.go",
"file.line": 55
"message": "Invocation context cancelled, not processing any more agent data",
"ecs.version": "1.6.0"
"log.level": "debug",
"@timestamp": "2023-02-03T13:52:08.884Z",
"log.origin": {
"": "apmproxy/apmserver.go",
"file.line": 78
"message": "Flush started - Checking for agent data",
"ecs.version": "1.6.0"

"log.level": "warn",
"@timestamp": "2023-02-03T13:52:08.884Z",
"log.origin": {
"": "apmproxy/apmserver.go",
"file.line": 90
"message": "Metadata not available at flush, skipping sending lambda data to APM Server",
"ecs.version": "1.6.0"

"log.level": "info",
"@timestamp": "2023-02-03T13:52:08.884Z",
"log.origin": {
"": "app/run.go",
"file.line": 129
"message": "Waiting for next event...",
"ecs.version": "1.6.0"

Not sending data to apm server
added environment variables in aws lambda :

code added
import elasticapm


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In order for elasticapm.label() to work, you need to be using our @capture_serverless() decorator on your handler, as shown in the lambda docs.


for @capture_serverless(),
import : from elasticapm.elasticapm.contrib.serverless import capture_serverless
I tried but its showing me import error
Error: {"cannot import name 'get_client' from 'elasticapm' (/var/task/elasticapm/
Traceback (most recent call last):
[ERROR] Runtime.ImportModuleError: Unable to import module 'test_lambda': cannot import name 'get_client' from 'elasticapm' (/var/task/elasticapm/ Traceback (most recent call last): "}

1 Like

It appears maybe you have an oddity in your paths? You did

from elasticapm.elasticapm.contrib.serverless import capture_serverless

Which has an extra .elasticapm in it. It should just be elasticapm.contrib.serverless if you've installed it correctly. I could see that causing the import error because your pythonpath has an extra nested elasticapm folder.

How did you install the python agent?

@basepi thanks
I corrected the import but now I am getting below error
[ERROR] TypeError: label() takes 0 positional arguments but 2 were given Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/task/src/main/", line 43, in inner return fn(*args, **kwargs) File "/var/task/", line 32, in lambda_handler elasticapm.label("Key","value")

1 Like

Try elasticapm.label(key="value") instead. docs

@basepi Thank you

It working but its sending event to kibana when next event pushed

Code :
# Set a label on the transaction
request_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
# End the transaction

result of 1st api hit like request_id = 'urtuew76834uyerw26';
I can see the above data on kibana when 2nd api hits like request_id = 'mbkuuw213jhada6';
so now after 2 hits , I can see only 1st api result request_id = 'urtuew76834uyerw26';

Also from 10 events , 2 events are missing on kibana
why is this so ?

@capture_serverless is not working for me

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Can you share your code? @capture_serverless does some extra goodness aside from starting and ending the transaction. For example, it forces a flush of the transport so that the transaction is sent to the extension before the lambda function is frozen.

@basepi please check below code

import elasticapm
from elasticapm import  Client
from import capture_serverless

def lambda_handler(event: 'a json payload', context: 'un-used {} a-b proxy') -> 'a json':
    """ this is the lambda handle, request lands here and routed to src-code"""
   if from_alb:
        if not error_flag:
            return {"statusCode": 200, "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "body": json.dumps(ret)}
            return {"statusCode": 500, "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "body": json.dumps(ret)}
        if not error_flag:
            return ret
            return {'code': 500, 'data': ret, 'message': 'failed'}
def lambda_handler(event: 'a json payload', context: 'un-used {} a-b proxy') -> 'a json':
    """ this is the lambda handle, request lands here and routed to src-code"""

when I added @capture_serverless on lambda function , aws lamdba unable to find lambda handler with bellow error
[ERROR] Runtime.UserCodeSyntaxError: Syntax error in module 'abc_lambda': invalid syntax > (, line 296)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/task/asyncio/" Line 296
future = tasks.async(future, loop=self)

asyncio pkg of python is creating issue when I used @capture_serverless on lambda handler
please help here

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Hmmm. I wonder if the @logger_warp decorator is interacting with our decorator in such a way to make this error? Does the error go away if you remove the @logger_warp decorator?

Also what version of python are you using with your lambda function? It appears you have installed the asyncio package which shouldn't be needed for python 3.4+.

Its not because of @logger_wrap , its because of asyncio package
If I remove asyncio package, then it's working absolutely fine
Lambda version is python 3.9
Don't we need asyncio package for python versions 3.4+?


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@basepi Thank you
we got the answers of all queries


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