How to use ES & es-hadoop 5.0 under java 1.7


I'm running my cluster with CDH 5.8 which provides jdk 1.7.0_67 (I can't upgrade at this moment)

I tried to use ES 5.0 & es-hadoop but I'm getting an error

java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/elasticsearch/spark/rdd/CompatUtils : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

According to this issue, it seems like a java version mis-match problem.

But the ES Hadoop 5.0 Requirements says that:

we strongly recommend using the latest JDK 8 (at least u20 or higher). If that is not an option, use JDK 7.0 update u55 (required for Elasticsearch 1.2 or higher).

So I'm wondering how can I use ES & es-hadoop 5.0 with Java 1.7


While the ES-hadoop connector may not, Elasticsearch 5.0 requires Java 1.8. Java 1.7 is no longer supported.


Thank you for your reply.

Then what does this sentence mean?

If that is not an option, use JDK 7.0 update u55

exceprted from here Requirements | Elasticsearch for Apache Hadoop [8.11] | Elastic

Thanks in advanced

Elasticsearch 5.0 has a different requirement on Java version than the ES-Hadoop connector.

@Brad_Jungsu_Heo The ES-Hadoop major version for Scala classes is a bug. I've opened a github issue for it.




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