Hey community,
This is my first post here seeking for knowledge. I was using the Dev Tools Console in kibana to learn querying. I came across this particular scenario where i couldn't get my head around.
So I'll give an example here. My documents look like these:
names :['a', 'b', ..]
Now i have used the default mapping here. The names field has many names in it and using the console I want to list just the unique name across all docs and list them. Or see how many docs a particular unique name has occurred in, Or list all unique names have a certain prefix or suffix (tried using wildcard but that listed all documents and along with that all other names which did not match also showed up).
Should i use a different mapping for these or is there something i missed. Please guide me here.
I had looked for the documentation for a lot of things like aggregation, data range, analyze, cardinality etc etc.
Thanks a lot