HTTP Monitoring Liveness not activateable via Fleet

After the new HTTP monitoring is configurable in the Fleet agent policy since 8.15. We wanted to use that for liveness/readiness probes in Kubernetes. However even if the ports are configured in the fleet agent policy. The HTTP monitoring is not enabled according to diagnostics (the /liveness endpoint in more detail).

When trying to enable the endpoint via custom agent.yml and mounting that via ConfigMap it is still disabled.

This is the mentioned part in the local-config.yml in the diagnostics:

Any advice is appreciated, on how to enable this.

Found this PR: [Fleet] Add toggles for `agent.monitoring.http.enabled` and `agent.monitoring.http.buffer.enabled` to agent policy advanced settings by kpollich · Pull Request #190984 · elastic/kibana · GitHub

Why was this disabled in the first try. In that way it isn't even supposed to work in any way or am I wrong?