Hi guys,
I am looking to build a ppc64le version of filebeat and try to get the golang-crossbuild containers.
In order to do that I want to obtain them from docker.elastic.co/beats-dev/golang-crossbuild:[TAG]
When running a pull request I get:
ERRO[0002] error getting search results from v2 endpoint "docker.elastic.co": unable to retrieve auth token: invalid username/password: errors:
denied: requested access to the resource is denied
unauthorized: authentication required
I then found the manual steps for releasing a new verison (thats not what I want to do, but it seems to indicate a way to authenticate)
"Get a logon token for the container registry by visiting https://docker-auth.elastic.co/."
So I want to associate my GH account via https://docker-auth.elastic.co/, but thats not working either with "Newly-acquired token is invalid"
Now I am either doing something wrong or its not working as expected...
If someone could enlighten me to which is the case and what I can do to proceed...