I am confused with how keyword type work with aggregatable in Kibana

HI guys,

I am new to ELK stack. I am trying to understand how keyword type work with different setting. To test, I set following fields:

    "OS":     { "type": "text","fields":{

    "OS2":     { "type": "keyword",index: false  }, 
    "OS3":     { "type": "keyword",index: false,"ignore_above":256 }, 
    "OS4":     { "type": "keyword",index: true,"ignore_above":256 }, 
    "tt":     { "type": "keyword",index: true},    

From management console in Kabana, I can see all fields above are aggregatable.

But only OS.keyword can return results as expected. The other fields always return zero results.

GET /logs3/visit3/_search?pretty
"field": "OS2"

Can you help me to point what is correct way to set a non-indexed type but aggregatable field?

Possible values in fields are: Mac OS, IOS, Android....

If index is set to false then you would not be able to query on that field. Try running aggregation on OS4, it should give you results.
For Aggregations, index should be true and type should be keyword.

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