I have elk, logstash, kibana and filebeat version 7.10.1 and want upgarde to latest

I have install ELK stack with RPM on my Oracle Linux and its work and I have six Oracle Linux and install elasticserch and kibana and logstash on one server and install filebeat on other servers.
I want right now upgrade it to latest version without losing data and indexing.
How I can do this?

Have you looked at the official documentation?

On those 6 servers, I do not have internet connection and I only can move RPM files by scp.
So I want delete all RPM files and after that install 8.92 and give ELK index again.
for index again, is this enough I only give path of log files/
some log files is archived and are tar,gaz, in this situation what I must do?

As outlined in the documentation, you first need to upgrade to 7.17 and run the migration assistant to identify any issues that need to be fixed. Once any issues has been fixed you can go to version 8.x.

To upgrade your ELK stack to the latest version without data loss, follow these steps:

  1. Backup Your Data: Before anything else, ensure you have a comprehensive backup of your Elasticsearch data and configurations. This step is crucial to avoid data loss during the upgrade process.
  2. Check Compatibility: Ensure that the latest version of Elasticsearch, Kibana, Logstash, and Filebeat are compatible with each other and your Oracle Linux version.
  3. Upgrade Elasticsearch and Kibana: Start by upgrading Elasticsearch and Kibana on your central server. You can typically do this by downloading the latest RPM packages for Elasticsearch and Kibana, and then installing them using the package manager. Make sure to follow Elasticsearch and Kibana's official documentation for detailed upgrade instructions specific to your version.
  4. Upgrade Logstash and Filebeat: Next, upgrade Logstash and Filebeat on your central server and other servers. Like with Elasticsearch and Kibana, download the latest RPM packages and follow the official documentation for step-by-step upgrade instructions.
  5. Configuration Migration: Check for any configuration changes between the old and new versions of the ELK components. Update your configuration files accordingly to ensure compatibility with the latest versions.
  6. Testing: Before deploying the upgrades in a production environment, thoroughly test the new ELK stack versions in a staging or testing environment to verify that your data is still indexed correctly and that all functionalities work as expected.
  7. Rollout: Once you're confident in the upgraded ELK stack's stability and functionality, you can gradually roll out the updates to your production servers. Monitor the system closely during this phase to catch any potential issues early.
  8. Monitoring and Maintenance: After the upgrade, continuously monitor your ELK stack to ensure that data is being indexed correctly, and there are no performance bottlenecks or errors.

By following these steps and consulting the official documentation for each component, you should be able to upgrade your ELK stack to the latest version while preserving your data and indexing. AC Football Cases

nice guide.
Please tell me best way to get backup?
Is get snapshot from Kibana menu is enough?
I made snapshot from kibaana menu.

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