I'm inquiring about enabling the _source flag for the code index on the ElasticSearch

I'm attempting an in-place reindex, aiming to transfer data from an existing index to a new one. However, I'm encountering difficulties because the indices have the _source flag set to false by default. Note: I'm utilizing Azure DevOps Server to configure Elasticsearch, and indices will be created upon configuring the search. I need assistance in enabling the _source flag to successfully complete the in-place reindex, or if there's an alternative method available. I'm consulting the following link for in-place reindexing: Reindex in place | Elasticsearch Guide [7.17] | Elastic

Disabling the source means that the original document is not stored, so you can not just enable it. It is generally not possible to reconstruct the source from indexed data so you may need to reindex the data from the original source outside of Elasticsearch. If the data contains the original data in a single, indexed field (some log data e.g. keep the original log entry in a message field) you may be able to reindex from this, but you will then need to reparse your data.

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