Import Kibana Dashboard

Good day
Can Somebody tell me how I Can Import Dashboard in Kibana but on another index
maybe need some changes in exporting ndjson file ?
Now I create the same Dashboard every time on every new index.
How can I backup my existing dashboard and restore it on a new index and make the old index work too.
I tried to change ndjson file and Import him back but my old index just rewritten

First, let's check our understanding of the Kibana terms.

  • A dashboard contains one to many visualizations.
  • Each visualization is tied to an Index Pattern.
  • Each Index Pattern matches one Index or many Indices.

how I Can Import Dashboard in Kibana but on another index

If you are referring to Index, simply create your new Index with the same naming convention as your old Index so that your existing Index Pattern matches the new Index and picks it up.

If you are actually referring to Index Pattern, you may follow the steps below:

  1. Export all Saved Objects.
  2. Open the ndjson in a text editor (e.g. Notepad++).
  3. Find and replace the ID (e.g. 123) and Title (e.g. OldIndexPattern) of your old Index Pattern with the ID (e.g. 456) and Title (e.g. NewIndexPattern) of your new Index Pattern.
  4. Import the modified Saved Objects ndjson back to Kibana.
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Thanks a lot it's really working
I have still question how can I import .ndjson file by a command without GUI

You are welcome. Please mark my reply as the correct answer if it helped.

how can I import .ndjson file by a command without GUI

You can use the Import Objects API.

I'm used
curl -X POST "localhost:5601/api/saved_objects/_import" -H "kbn-xsrf: true" --form file=@Import.ndjson
This decision helped me

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