Hello ES Community. I'm fairly new to ES/Kibana 7.5.
I have the following CSV file with 3 columns.; first_seen, last_seen and geom.
Type of the first two columns are date
and type of the third column, "geom" is geo_point
with valid POINT (lon lat) format according to the ES document.
Issue is, when I import this test.csv file into the Kibana, in Advanced tab, in the mapping section, Kibana recognizes the "geom" column as keyword
Then I re-write/change the type to geo_point
as shown below:
But upon import I get the following error and end up with empty fields:
0: failed to parse field [geom] of type [geo_point]
How can I get ES/Kibana to recognize/map "geom" column as geo_point
Thank you in advanced