Importing dashboard and index pattern on ECK

Hey there,

I am currently playing around on ECK on minikube on macOS and I was wondering how to load previously saved Saved Objects.

The idea I had was to create a pod, mount the .ndjson and push it with curl to the kibana node, as explained in the docs.

During an earlier try, it was complaining about the actual .ndjson I was using, so after googling around I found this article where the person is splitting the dashboard and index pattern before pushing them separately, which is fine for me.

The problem is that I still can't get it to work and I have no idea where to go from here.

Here are the 2 files:


apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: kibana-data
data: |

    function import_index {
        echo "Importing index..."
        until curl -k --user ${ES_USER}:${ES_PASSWORD} -X POST ${KB_HOST}/api/saved_objects/_import -H "kbn-xsrf: true" --form file=@/kibana/index-pattern.ndjson -H 'kbn-xsrf: true'; do sleep 5; done
        if [[ $(echo "$?") == "0" ]]; then
          printf "\n########## Imported index-pattern successfully! #############################\n"
          printf "\n########## Failure while importing index-pattern #############\n"
    function import_dashboards {
        echo "Importing dashboards..."
        until curl -k --user ${ES_USER}:${ES_PASSWORD} -X POST ${KB_HOST}/api/kibana/dashboards/import?exclude=index-pattern -H 'kbn-xsrf: true' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @/kibana/dashboards.json; do sleep 5; done
        if [[ $(echo "$?") == "0" ]]; then
          printf "\n########## Imported dashboards successfully! #############################\n"
          printf "\n########## Failure while importing dashboards #############\n"
  index_pattern.ndjson: |
  dashboards.json: |
    "version": "7.13.2",
    "objects": [
        "id": "58b7b120-d80d-11eb-a87c-b5dcc59a4142",
        "type": "dashboard",
        "namespaces": [
        "updated_at": "2021-06-28T21:50:21.854Z",
        "version": "Wzc4LDFd",
        "attributes": {
          "title": "Dashboard Test",
          "hits": 0,
          "description": "",
          "panelsJSON": "[{\"version\":\"7.13.2\",\"type\":\"visualization\",\[...],
          "optionsJSON": "{\"hidePanelTitles\":false,\"syncColors\":true,\"useMargins\":false}",
          "version": 1,
          "timeRestore": false,
          "kibanaSavedObjectMeta": {
            "searchSourceJSON": "{\"query\":{\"language\":\"kuery\",\"query\":\"\"},\"filter\":[]}"
        "references": [
            "type": "index-pattern",
            "id": "58141060-d808-11eb-a87c-b5dcc59a4142",
            "name": "ac99e2a1-79c5-478b-a10c-8349d8ff4584:indexpattern-datasource-current-indexpattern"
            "type": "index-pattern",
            "id": "58141060-d808-11eb-a87c-b5dcc59a4142",
            "name": "ac99e2a1-79c5-478b-a10c-8349d8ff4584:indexpattern-datasource-layer-245dc3b6-65d8-4515-8596-24b8c1a0de1d"
            "type": "index-pattern",
            "id": "58141060-d808-11eb-a87c-b5dcc59a4142",
            "name": "35017a5f-9388-42f9-88ac-9eed6402784e:indexpattern-datasource-current-indexpattern"
            "type": "index-pattern",
            "id": "58141060-d808-11eb-a87c-b5dcc59a4142",
            "name": "35017a5f-9388-42f9-88ac-9eed6402784e:indexpattern-datasource-layer-8a9d322b-947e-45b5-a6c7-6252082ed26b"
            "type": "index-pattern",
            "id": "58141060-d808-11eb-a87c-b5dcc59a4142",
            "name": "2a119d55-4de8-4e23-aa80-96439f068a2c:indexpattern-datasource-current-indexpattern"
            "type": "index-pattern",
            "id": "58141060-d808-11eb-a87c-b5dcc59a4142",
            "name": "2a119d55-4de8-4e23-aa80-96439f068a2c:indexpattern-datasource-layer-c625be08-63b8-454b-ac43-abc628dd3ff9"
            "type": "index-pattern",
            "id": "58141060-d808-11eb-a87c-b5dcc59a4142",
            "name": "d908c5ff-51de-42e1-b7b5-431f624241ff:indexpattern-datasource-current-indexpattern"
            "type": "index-pattern",
            "id": "58141060-d808-11eb-a87c-b5dcc59a4142",
            "name": "d908c5ff-51de-42e1-b7b5-431f624241ff:indexpattern-datasource-layer-d2fecd84-d751-402d-9156-c01b247fb8bc"
            "type": "index-pattern",
            "id": "58141060-d808-11eb-a87c-b5dcc59a4142",
            "name": "3256b0f0-6aa9-41d8-835c-1782de7445a5:indexpattern-datasource-current-indexpattern"
            "type": "index-pattern",
            "id": "58141060-d808-11eb-a87c-b5dcc59a4142",
            "name": "3256b0f0-6aa9-41d8-835c-1782de7445a5:indexpattern-datasource-layer-9da5dd88-2bed-461d-b7d0-906f051eeab9"
        "migrationVersion": {
          "dashboard": "7.13.1"
        "coreMigrationVersion": "7.13.2"
        "id": "58141060-d808-11eb-a87c-b5dcc59a4142",
        "type": "index-pattern",
        "namespaces": [
        "updated_at": "2021-06-28T21:44:22.007Z",
        "version": "WzQ5LDFd",
        "attributes": {
          "fieldAttrs": "{}",
          "fields": "[]",
          "runtimeFieldMap": "{}",
          "title": "people"
        "references": [],
        "migrationVersion": {
          "index-pattern": "7.11.0"
        "coreMigrationVersion": "7.13.2"

and people-dashboard-pod.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: dashboard-pod
  - image: centos:centos7.9.2009
    name: dashboard-pod
    - name: KB_HOST
      value: "https://cluster1-kb-http:5601"
    - name: ES_USER
      value: "elastic"
    - name: ES_PASSWORD
          name: cluster1-es-elastic-user
          key: elastic
    command: ["/bin/sh","/kibana/"]
    resources: {}
    - name: kibana-data
      mountPath: /kibana
  restartPolicy: Never
  - name: kibana-data
      name: kibana-data
      defaultMode: 0777

The pod launches fine but I have the following error in the logs:

curl: (26) couldn't open file "/kibana/index-pattern.ndjson"

Do you have any idea what's happening? Or is there a better solution to import Saved Objects into Kibana?

Thanks in advance for your help!



You referenced index-pattern.ndjson in the but used index_pattern.ndjson as key in the kibana-data ConfigMap.

1 Like

Oh my...
Thanks a lot! This completely fixed this part.

So it uploaded the index pattern just fine, but I still have an error with the dashboard:
{"statusCode":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"Invalid request payload JSON format"}

Any idea why? It does seem like valid json.

edit: If it helps, when I remove the -H 'Content-Type: application/json' from the curl command, I have the following error {"statusCode":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"[request body.objects]: expected value of type [array] but got [undefined]"}

final EDIT: as now the first part was working, I tried to import everything at once using a single .ndjson file and it's working. So all good, the only issue was indeed the typo you mentionned... Thanks again!

The dashboards.json secret entry is not a valid JSON. It is missing at the beginning { and at the end ]} assuming that you've shortened the value of panelsJSON to make the secret content readable.

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