In kibana(KQL), In the message field need to combine two conditions

Have text message like below in my index

"POST /app/v1/fetch/abcdefgh HTTP/1.1" 404 NR route_not_found - "-" 0 0 0 - “” “" "-" - -

"POST /app/v1/fetch/abcdefgh HTTP/1.1" 200 route_not_found - "-" 0 0 0 - “” “" "-" - -

"POST /app/v1/fetch/abcdefgh HTTP/1.1" 200 route_not_found - "-" 0 0 0 - “” “" "-" - -

How can search from kibana only to get the records for other than 200 means errors and has example keyword

Ideally you would be extracting the fields during index time, using an ingest pipeline or similar.
If not, you can try to use a runtime field to pull the events apart and put them in their own fields. But it's likely to be a lot clunkier.

I'm not sure if kql can pull this apart like you want.

thank you

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