In scripted fields avoid No field found for [] in mapping with types

I'm trying to join/filter two fields stored in two different indeces in the same dashboard.

This is my scenario:

  • INDEXA has the field X and Z;
  • INDEXB has the field Y and Z.

X and Y contain some values in common.

In the same dashboard I have 4 tables:

  1. Shows the values of Z in INDEXA;
  2. Shows the values of Z in INDEXB;
  3. Shows the values of X in INDEXA;
  4. Shows the values of Y in INDEXB;

Now, if I filter for X, only the table 1 updates and vice versa for Y. If I filter for Z, all tables updates.

So, I created a scripted field for INDEXA, called J, that return the value of X and I did the same for INDEXB.

Now I have the following tables:

  1. Shows the values of Z in INDEXA;
  2. Shows the values of Z in INDEXB;
  3. Shows the values of J (X) in INDEXA;
  4. Shows the values of J (Y) in INDEXB;

Now, if I filter for J (X), I receive this error:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No field found for [X.keyword] in mapping with types

and vice versa with J (Y):

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No field found for [Y.keyword] in mapping with types

This is one of the J scripted fields:

def x = doc['x.keyword'].value;
if (x != null) {
return x;
} else {
return "";

Is there a way to avoid this kind of error? Or, better, make this kind of "join"?



Can you do a check if the doc property exists before getting a value on it?

def x = doc['x.keyword'];
if (x != null) {
return x.value;
} else {
return "";
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Sorry, that also results in the same error. This should work instead:

if (doc.containsKey('x.keyword')) {
  return doc['x.keyword'].value;
} else {
  return '';

Thank you, the error has gone, but the filter doesn't work.
If I select a value in J (X) that appears also in J (Y), the result is that the J (Y) table is empty. Any way to do that?

I create a new scripted field with both X.keyword and Y.keyword.. I think the same scripted field is executed in all indeces, when I select a value in it, correct?

if (doc.containsKey('X.keyword')) {
def val = doc['x.keyword'].value;
if (val != null) {
return val;
} else {
return "";
} else if (doc.containsKey('Y.keyword')) {
def val = doc['Y.keyword'].value;
if (val != null) {
return val;
} else {
return "";
} else {
return "";

With this script, replicated in both INDEXA and INDEXB, I'm able to filter the same values, stored in different fields and in different indeces.

Yes, your scripted field will be applied to all indices captured by your index pattern. Is everything working OK for you now?


Yep, thank you. :slight_smile:

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