Incomplete course video


I was doing today " Elastic Machine Learning for Cybersecurity" course and I have found that in chapter 3 "Detecting DNS Data Exfiltration" the video suddenly ends just in middle of the json editor description.

At start I thought that maybe something wrong on my side but I exited the page, entered again the lenght of the video still the same.

Can anyone from elastic please fix this? This course seems particulary interensting :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance.
Best Regards.

Hi Juan!

I will escalate this (if I was the right person to fix this, I would take care of it) ASAP. This is mostly me letting you know we're now aware of the issue! As it's the weekend, however, please give us a couple days to fix this.


OH! And super glad you're finding the course interesting!!

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Hello Will,

Thank you for the response on weekend! :slight_smile:

I'll wait until the issue it's fixed :slight_smile:

Best regards!

Hello @dinyes

Is there any ETA on the fix of the issue?

Thank you in advance.

Terribly sorry to report we haven't gotten much traction on a fix! I will follow up again today.

Hi Juan,

I apologize for the inconvenience, the curriculum team is looking into this and should have an estimated idea of when this will be fixed soon. I will be sure to keep you updated.

All the best,


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Hello @KKenny

Thanks to both :slight_smile:!

Hello Juan Manuel Nieto,

Thank you for reporting this. I agree that looking at the the video clip alone gives a bit of an impression that the course has ended abruptly, it actually marks the end of that section. The lab is supposed to provide additional context around those features. In order to talk about using the API's, configure custom URL, memory model limit, query delay, scroll size and JSON editor in detail with demo's, we'd need an additional second course. However, your feedback was very valuable and we will edit the video to indicate that the chapter is meant to be only an overview of those advanced topics and make the conclusion of the chapter obvious. Apologies for the confusion and I hope you enjoyed the course despite that.

Keep the feedback coming, thank you!


Hello @b-elastic

Thank you for the response, but the main issue is that the video doesn't even speak about the json editor and as you can see in the following picture (I hope there is no problem posting it) there is a demo in the summary of the video:

I have taken other courses as you can check in my account and there is always a demo but not in this case :frowning:

I will post an extensive feedback post when I finish the course with I already have purchased after a year of subscription :slight_smile:

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