Inconsistencies in value count aggregation

I am using the Value count aggregation on a fixed interval, (the shards data doesn't change within this interval). However, I am encountering varying results with each query execution. Is it possible that I am obtaining an approximate count instead of exact counts?

p.s. My data is distributed across multiple nodes and shards.

	"size": 1,
	"timeout": "90s",
	"query": {
		"range": {
			"myfield": {
				"from": 1709584200000,
				"to": 1710133200000,
				"include_lower": true,
				"include_upper": true,
				"boost": 1.0
	"aggregations": {
		"cnt": {
			"value_count": {
				"field": "myfield"

I expect that this is an approximate count. That's called out for a terms aggregation, see: Terms Agg doc count error. I'm surprised it's not called out for value_count in the docs too. I'll go digging and see if this is a gap in our docs.

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@Atefeh after talking with the team who maintains the value_count agg, it seems my initial assumption was wrong, and it should be an exactly count - NOT approximate. It may be that you've found a bug, or that your cluster is having issues.

Can you share some more info?

  • what version of Elasticsearch are you using?
  • can you reproduce on another index? If so, can you provide the reproduction steps?
  • can you share the full output of your responses that differ, and show that there are not any partial shard failures?
  • can you check the Elasticsearch logs during the query and share if there are any errors or warnings?
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Thank you for your attention. I am using Elasticsearch v 7.17.9.
You are right. There are some shard failures in the query response.

	"type": "circuit_breaking_exception",
	"reason": "[parent] Data too large, data for [indices:data/read/search[phase/query]] would be [35868302350/33.4gb], which is larger than the limit of [35701915648/33.2gb], real usage: [35868301824/33.4gb], new bytes reserved: [526/526b], usages [request=0/0b, fielddata=20312178761/18.9gb, in_flight_requests=1052/1kb, model_inference=0/0b, eql_sequence=0/0b, accounting=469451628/447.7mb]",
	"bytes_wanted": 35868302350,
	"bytes_limit": 35701915648,
	"durability": "PERMANENT"

I also observed a GC message in the node where the shard failed. (GC did not bring memory usage down, before [35712048256], after [35712106128])

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