Inconsistent monitoring data shown during upgrade

I am upgrading from 6.6.1 to 6.8.3. I have dedicated master, coordination and index nodes. I upgraded only one coordination node and found that in the monitoring page the node was not showing up. From the logs, it seems that the node joined the cluster. Initially, I was unsure of that too but I discussed in the Elasticseach forum for confirmation.

It seems the node count on the monitoring page appears to be the same but when I search for the coordination nodes, the upgraded node does not show up in the list.

Hi @amitavmohanty01

Do you have monitoring collection enabled on the upgraded node? You can check by examining the running settings and ensuring that xpack.monitoring.collection is set to true.

Hi @Mike_Place

The parameter is set to true on the master node.

I did upgrade for Logstash boxes and they show up correctly.


Hi @amitavmohanty01

You said that the parameter is set to true "on the master node" but in your original post it sounded like the missing nodes were the co-ordinating nodes. Is the parameter also set to true on those?

Hi @Mike_Place

I am under the impression that if xpack monitoring is enabled on the master node, it is applied to the full cluster. I upgraded one of three coordination nodes. The other two coordination nodes don't have the xpack monitoring explicitly enabled either yet their data is shown as seen in the image. Only the upgraded node does not show up.

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