Incorrect Dates/Times After Parsing

I'm sending SMF records from a mainframe to ELK. It's just a CSV file with a bunch of values.
Anyway, when I look at the unparsed message in kibana all of the times/dates are accurate. However after the record is parsed, the dates are 1-2 days early and the time is always at 18:00:00. The timestamp is accurate (b/c that generate by logstash/elastic)

Any idea why?

Here's my code (fyi this is from a docker container where I have the same issue).
All the parsing works as expected, only issue is the inaccurate dates/times WITHIN the fields of the record.

input {
	beats {
## Add your filters / logstash plugins configuration here
filter {
	split {
	mutate { 
        add_field => {"[@metadata][indexname]" => "%{[sourceType]}-%{[sysplexName]}"}
    mutate { 
        lowercase => [ "[@metadata][indexname]" ] 
	if [source] =~ "table" {
		csv{ columns => [  "Correlator", "SMF30LEN", "SMF30SEG", "SMF30FLG", "SMF30RTY", "SMF30TME", "SMF30DTE", "SMF30SID", "<shortened for easier reading>" ]
		separator => "," }
        mutate{ add_field => {
            "[@metadata][timestamp]" => "%{SMF30DTE} %{SMF30TME}"
        date{ match => [
            "[@metadata][timestamp]", "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SS"
output {
	elasticsearch {
		hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"
		action => "index"
		index => "cdp-%{[@metadata][indexname]}-%{+yyyyMMdd}"

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