I have several sources that ELK processes, as you know from /etc/logstash/conf.d a .conf file is created for each of the sources to be processed either by GROK or CSV, I don't know if there is another way.
One of my sources has simply disappeared when I log in from Kibana, click on the gear and search for the index name from "Index Management". The others are intact
This is the final part of the file to show you that every day he generates an index " index => "antivirus-%{+yyyyy.MM.dd}"""
In which log should I trace errors that have caused this outcome?
In case it was someone from Kibana, is there any log to know which user or ip was involved? (although I doubt it because it is simply put the IP in the browser and the port :5601 and there is immediate access).
I have the logs in RAW mode in a folder, how can I make ELK read them again and process them specifying the path where the logs are in RAW?
Thanks as always for your valuable help
else if ([message] =~ /GNRL_EV_OBJECT_CURED|Objeto desinfectado/){
grok {
match => { "message" => ["%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:logsource} CEF: %{DATA:cef}\|%{DATA:vendor}\|%{DATA:p
roduct}\|%{DATA:version}\|%{DATA:event}\|%{DATA:event_desc}\|%{DATA:severity}\|msg=%{DATA:msg} rt=%{DATA:rt} cs9=%{DATA:cs9} cs9Label=%{D
ATA:cs9label} dhost=%{DATA:dhost} dst=%{DATA:dst} cs2=%{DATA:cs2} cs2Label=%{DATA:cs2Label} cs3=%{DATA:cs3} cs3Label=%{DATA:cs3Label} cs1
0=%{DATA:cs10} cs10Label=%{DATA:cs10label} filePath=%{DATA:filePath} duser=%{GREEDYDATA:duser}"]}
add_tag => [ "objetivo desinfectado"]
replace => [ "host", "%{logsource}" ]
date {
target => "@timestamp"
match => [ "timestamp", "MMM d HH:mm:ss", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss,SSS" ]
timezone => "America/Bogota"
output {
if "AV" in [tags] {
elasticsearch {
index => "antivirus-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]