Index Lifecycle Policies

How do I change the field value Maximum docs in the primary shard?

Change to which value? Your image is too small and is pretty hard to see anything on it.

to 1000000000

2024-07-13 17_41_06- - Remote Desktop Connection

Your screenshots are impossible to see, they are too small.

But what is the issue here? To change the maximum number of docs you just need to enter the number and save the policy.

Is this not working?

Also, if you check the documentation there is this important note.

The rollover action implicitly always rolls over a data stream or alias if one or more shards contain 200000000 or more documents. Normally a shard will reach 25GB long before it reaches 200M documents, but this isn’t the case for space efficient data sets. Search performance will very likely suffer if a shard contains more than 200M documents. This is the reason of the builtin limit.

I'm not sure if this is hard coded or enforced, but I would not go over this limit as this can impact your search performance.

I specified the number and then save, but when entering the data, it enters to 200m and then scrolls to a new indicator, and I want it to scroll when the number of documents is 1000000000 When I did that, the change is not taken, but the default value