We are indexing events performed by our users in an effort to create a better service. Each event is indexed into elasticsearch in real time, and we have a couple of dashboards visualizing the common actions. An example of one of these events in elastic could be something like this:
"_source": {
"indexTime": 1601286327342,
"eventType": "PAGE_FLIP",
"userId": "123",
"userCreatedAt": 1536096932688,
"userLastTransactionAt": 0,
"bookId": "abc",
"pageNumber": 2,
"fields": {
"daysSinceSignup": [
"indexTime": [
"daysUntilTestPeriodEnds": [
"userCreatedAt": [
"userLastTransactionAt": [
One of these events is to register a card (i.e. not use only the free version, but start paying us). This is obviously very important for us to track, but I would also like to visualize the the difference in actions leading up to someone starting a subscription.
Do I need to reindex all previous (often > 1000) events for a user when he/she subscripbes to be able to create visualizations in kibana of this?