Kibana version: 8.9.1
Elasticsearch version: 8.9.1
APM Server version: 8.9.1
APM Agent language and version: 3.49.1 (node.js)
Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, deb, from source, etc.) and version: npm
Fresh install or upgraded from other version? fresh
Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior. Please include screenshots (if relevant):
Steps to reproduce:
- Build the nextjs (13.2.4) project using npm run build(project uses tedious and ioredis)
- Dockerize it and deploy the project in standalone mode
- The apm server is started before the next.js server starts by modifying server.js created in standalone mode.
Expected Output: Sql spans and redis spans should be visible in Kibana for a transaction
Original Output: I am only able to see the http transactional logs and external service calls in span of the transaction
From apm agent logs I am clearly able to see that ioredis and tedious instrumentation is not happening.