Integrate ldap with kibana

Hi Team,

Recently, I have configured ELK stack with x-pack security enabled. it is working fine now, now I wanted to extend security by integrating kibana with ldap. Could you help us how to integrate ldap with kibana. The current version of EFK is 7.5.2 and I created PEM encoded certificates as per document for xpack security with some CN. Is there any relation between PEM encoded certificates and LDAP configuration and authentication.

Kasim Shaik

LDAP integration happens through elasticsearch, you can start by taking a look at our documentation , starting in LDAP user authentication | Elasticsearch Guide [8.11] | Elastic.

No, not really, at least not in the generic context you are asking this question.

Why I asked question about certificates in ldap configuraito, the certificates (PEM) were created with some generic name (CN ), i was under assumption, these PEM encoded certificates must match or must be aligned with ldap server name.

No, the subject and SANs of kibana and elasticsearch certificates do not need to match the hostname of your LDAP server. These are unrelated

@ikakavas, thanks for clarifying my query in detail.

While I was going through the link, which you forwarded, I noticed at one place , set password for bind_dn user, which user password it is?

The password for the bind_dn user should be configured by adding the appropriate secure_bind_password setting to the Elasticsearch keystore. For example, the following command adds the password for the example realm above:

bin/elasticsearch-keystore add \

@ikakavas, I am waiting for your reply. which user password it is ? is it a password of user on LDAP server ?

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Someone will get back to you once they have the time to do so.

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