Inter record functions in Kibana?

Hi All!
I have forex information for each day. Close, Open, Low, High.
Now, I would like to calculate the difference in % between a point in time, lets say today (t0), and the day before (-t1). That is: (|t0-t1|/((t0-t1)/2))*100
Are there any "inter record" functions to use for this in Kibana? How can I "fetch" a value from another row?
I would like to display this data in a table per day. So each row would have the data for that date but also the calculated fields.

Desired result:
Date, Open, Close, High,Low, % Diff
2017-08-01, 10, 11, 13, 9, 10%
207-07-31, 9, 10, 12, 8, x%

Any suggestions?

I'm not sure of a way to get the percent difference, but you can use the "Derivative" aggregation to get the actual difference. So instead of what you suggested, it might look like the following:

Date, Open, Close, High,Low,Diff
2017-08-01, 10, 11, 13, 9, 4
207-07-31, 9, 10, 12, 8, x

Thanks and sorry for late reply. Dont how the "derivative" works at all. Do you know an example somewhere that I can read? Dont really understand the manual (


Any other suggestion how to solve this?

Is this possible to do in Logstash? when reading the new info is it possible to fetch data from the index and do the calculations?

Ok. So I tried the Derivative function but this gives me only the difference to the row before. A better aggregation is "Serial Differencing"-aggregation where I can pin point the row that should be used in the difference. Much better. I still have a problem though. I would like to create my own calculation based on that difference. Is this possible? I would like create a Metric that uses two other metrics ( the serial difference and a sum) as input.

Also, I would like calculate the difference between different fields. The "Serial Differencing agg" calculates on one field. Is it possible to calculate the serial diff between lets say "High"-value today and "Open"-value 3 rows ago?

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