I have two indices with documents, each document assigned with a unique id.
My goal is to find duplicate documents among the indices.
Is there any sort of an intersection aggregation that i can make in order to determine whether my indices share common id documents?
You could use transform, we have an example in the docs for comparing 2 indices .
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I forgot to mention that im using elastic 5.6
ok, 5.6 is fairly old and EOL since 2019-03-11, please check if an upgrade is possible:
If you can't go to 7.x
>= 6.1
would give you access to composite aggs, which would let you page through aggs, in a nutshell you could write your own transform
>= 6.8
would allow you to use transform + CCS from a >= 7.6
cluster that queries your >=6.8
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August 13, 2020, 9:56am
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